Bible Study at the Hazles’
Stuart & Judy Hazle's 1795 W Centerline Rd, St. Johns, MI, United StatesA bible study where the group chooses the book we [...]
A bible study where the group chooses the book we [...]
All 3rd-6th graders are invited to a bi-weekly small group! [...]
Everyone is invited to the next GriefShare rotation! GriefShare is [...]
Everyone is invited to the next GriefShare rotation! GriefShare is [...]
All men from Duplain and their friends are invited to [...]
We would like to invite all women to our Women's [...]
Starting at 4:00 pm at Duplain Church of Christ.
All women are invited to November's Central Michigan Christian Women's [...]
All members are invited to this monthly meeting between the [...]