Brenda Martinez

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  3. Brenda Martinez
Events from this organizer

American Red Cross Blood Drive

Duplain Church of Christ 5565 E Colony, St Johns, MI, United States

On Thursday, September 3, Duplain Church of Christ will be [...]

Red Cross Blood Drive

Duplain Church of Christ 5565 E Colony, St Johns, MI, United States

Duplain Church of Christ is hosting a blood drive for [...]

Red Cross Blood Drive

Duplain Church of Christ 5565 E Colony, St Johns, MI, United States

Everyone in our community is invited to come and donate [...]

Red Cross Blood Drive

Duplain Church of Christ 5565 E. Colony Rd, St. Johns, MI, United States

It is once again time for a Blood Drive at [...]

Red Cross Blood Drive

Duplain Church of Christ 5565 E. Colony Rd, St. Johns, MI, United States

It is once again time for a Blood Drive at [...]

Red Cross Blood Drive

Duplain Church of Christ 5565 E. Colony Rd, St. Johns, MI, United States

It is once again time for a Blood Drive at [...]

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