Music/Worship Ministry at DCC
The Music Ministry Team exists to prayerfully lead our congregation to passionately praise God in praise and worship. Our goal is to take into account the needs, desires, experiences and the expressions of God’s family at this location, and to honor God with the praise that He so deserves. Two ‘worship teams’ serve on a revolving monthly schedule. These talented, serving individuals (vocal and instrumental) are ‘lead worshippers’ each Sunday.
Our Worship Choir of mixed voices provides music for worship services, holiday, and special services. The Worship Choir also hosts all-congregation events each year – Christmas Caroling and The Festival of Praise.
The Music/Worship ministry seeks to bless our people and our guests with not only Sunday morning worship services, but also events that unite the congregation in fellowship and worship. Some of those events include the Good Friday service, the Christmas Eve service, and concerts that involve our own folks and special guests.
Judy Beavers, Leader