Jr. Church

Our preschool Jr. Church takes place in the preschool room at the end of Gideon Hall. Preschoolers should be dropped off before service begins, where they will be checked in, and can be picked up after service.
During Jr. Church, the preschoolers will get interactive, fun lessons on varying topics in the Bible. Our volunteers will engage them with games, crafts, and music. They will also get snacks, a must-have for any preschool programming.
Check out our current Pre-K Curriculum: Superheroes of the Bible!

Our elementary students are also able to be a part of Jr. Church programming. Elementary students should go with parents to service, where they will be dismissed to Jr. Church following our communion/offering time. Parents can pick their children up in the West Wing after service.
During Jr. Church, elementary students will receive Bible teaching that corresponds directly to the sermon being preached that week, so that parents and kids can talk about what they learned in church. The kids will get Kidz Bulletins to fill out as they listen to the lesson, which also include at-home activities for families to partake in together throughout the week. Each week, the kids will be able to do fun crafts and have some small group discussion time, further helping to teach them the Biblical truths of the week.