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Join us for a heartfelt Christmas celebration on Thursday, December 5, 2024, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM in the Duplain Church of Christ Sanctuary. This special evening is dedicated to the women and girls of our community and their friends as we gather to enjoy fellowship, worship, and the joy of the holiday season.

The evening will feature beautiful carols, an inspiring devotion, and the warmth of community. We’ll have snacks and a hot drink bar, complete with seasonal favorites like wassail. A cookie exchange will add to the fun—simply bring 2 to 3 dozen of your favorite cookies to participate and go home with an assortment of delicious treats.

We’re also embracing the spirit of giving by supporting the Leg Up ministry. Please bring new, unwrapped adult underwear and socks to contribute to this meaningful cause.

This event is free, and no sign-up is required—just come ready to celebrate and connect with others. Let’s come together to honor the season, reflect on God’s blessings, and spread joy to those around us. We look forward to seeing you there!

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