–APRIL 22-24th, Holland Michigan
Believe is a high-energy weekend event for Jr. high students only. It’s structured specifically for Jr. high students and is packed with powerful worship and teaching from God’s Word.
While at Believe, students not only worship together but also engage in life-challenging discussions with their peers and adult leaders. As they go through the weekend, they discover ways in which God is calling them to be Kingdom workers in their schools, communities and the world.
A lot of times Jr. high students have more pressures on them to perform and more demands on their attention than any other age group. They’re expected to be older than they actually are. At Believe we want to give these students the chance to have fun and enjoy spending time with their peers, while also challenging them with age-appropriate ideals that will help them embrace Christ’s call on their lives to be Kingdom workers. Believe is their chance to be exactly who they are – to play, listen and learn as themselves.