This is a retreat for 4th & 5th graders, lasting all weekend. Kids are asked to arrive at the church on Friday, Feb. 12th at 5:15 pm. Pizza will be provided at that time and rules for the retreat will be discussed before departure at 6pm. We will arrive back at Duplain Church on Sunday, Feb. 14th around 12:30/1pm.
At the retreat, there will be worship, a speaker, and small groups, as well as many games for the kids. The kids can expect to learn more about what it means to be a part of the church through the theme of God’s Circus!
They should be sure to bring enough clothes for the weekend, as well as a notebook and pencil, their Bibles, face masks, and outdoor clothing, as it will be mid-February and chilly. Bedding for a twin mattress is also needed.
The cost is $60 per kid. The deadline to sign up is Monday, Feb. 8th.
Contact Jessica Prieto at (989) 331-2524 for more information.